Real estate advisors since 1985, we specialise in the purchase, sale and inheritance of real estate. Our expert accountants can guide you through all tax and financial formalities. We are also exclusive agents for a major insurance company and brokers for more than 10 other companies. Our staff will guide you as best as possible to tailor a contract to your wishes and budget.
Know about Homestaging and which its advantages are. Improve your home in multiple aspects, for your own pleasure, or to impress potential customers, speeding up to a 65% the selling or renting process.
Para Catalonia 21 la arquitectura es el arte mayor de concebir construcciones, teniendo el respecto de las reglas como del concepto de la estética y la disposición. Nuestra empresa ha definido igualmente todo un conjunto de conocimientos que engloban y respectan los espacios y los paisajes.
Catalonia 21 is supported by enthusiasts of the office and carried out a model of proximity allowing providing you efficient solutions and adapted to your expectative. We put our knowledge and know-how at disposition to those clients that must be surrounded and accompanied in a clear and precise way.
SELLING PRICE RESTAURANT AND FLAT: 620.000,00€. Possibility of renting with option to buy: See the Owner for the duration. 1. Takeover of the business for €250,000 (traspaso) Balance sheet...